Web Development and Management: A.A.S.
Program Mission
Program Learning Outcomes
- Communicate effectively in business settings by exchanging ideas through correct and persuasive written statements, oral presentations, active listening, and the use of communication technologies.
- Collaborate by applying the following skills in a project environment: teamwork, time management, creative problem solving, conflict resolution, diversity awareness, customer service, and community engagement.
- Acquire, process, and manage information using office technology applications.
- Demonstrate appropriate mastery of discipline-specific skills in website development and maintenance including the use of client and server-side scripting, production of digital media, and the incorporation of social media strategies.
Design your future, while honing the skills employers need in our increasingly digital world.
The Web Development and Management degree (AAS), prepares graduates for direct employment in website design and development, social media creation and campaigns, and digital marketing publications. The degree program will teach you everything you need to know about creating and maintaining attractive and functional websites, from basic web design and computer graphics skills to advanced coding languages and web authoring tools. Coursework includes responsive front-end design and development, asset creation, back-end development, content management systems, and mobile web app development. Business fundamentals are woven throughout the curriculum including ecommerce and project management.
This degree can be completed fully online. Or you can choose between a combination of online and on campus courses. Study full-time or part-time, and start your program whenever it fits you best – in the Fall, Spring or Summer semesters.
Flexible options
Our flexible degree options also allow you to apply credits from other programs to earn your degree quickly, and students with existing degrees can earn this degree with as few as 30 credits.
Plus, get the experience you need through internships and service learning – and increase your opportunities for landing a great job!
Why Web Development and Management?
Web developers play a crucial role in developing and managing the web based systems that are increasingly important in our everyday lives, in industry, business, healthcare, the public sector, entertainment and more.
Web developers create and maintain websites from the site’s outward appearance to its technical workings. They also create visual and written content for web, print, and social media. Web development is a flexible career choice with job opportunities in multiple industries and through self employment.
Web development is a fast-growing field, typically requiring an Associate’s Degree. The Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates 15 percent growth in this occupation through 2026, which is much higher than average. The median annual pay is $66,130 per year, or $31.79 an hour.
2+2 Articulation Agreement with Bellevue University

Course Requirements
Contact Information
New Students:
Admissions Office
Current Students:
Denise Wells, Chairperson607-778-5355
Business Building, Room 107
Microcredential Offerings
- Introductory HTML/CSS
- Intermedia HTML/CSS
- Advanced HTML/CSS
- Digital Media
- Social Media
- Web Basics
- Web Development
Web Development and Management
Web Development & Management in the News
Transfer Opportunities
For other transfer opportunities, BIM students should work closely with their faculty mentors.