Business Information Management: A.A.S.
Program Mission
Program Learning Outcomes
- Communicate effectively in business settings by exchanging ideas through correct and persuasive written statements, oral presentations, active listening, and the use of communication technologies.
- Collaborate by applying the following skills in a project environment: teamwork, time management, creative problem solving, conflict resolution, diversity awareness, customer service, and community engagement.
- Acquire, process, and manage information using office technology applications.
- Demonstrate appropriate mastery of discipline-specific skills in one of the following areas of specialization: business analytics, social media management, or office administration.
What is Business Information Management?
Business Information Management, AAS, prepares students for careers that require a solid foundation in both business and information technology. Students will plan a flexible program of study that includes the skills and knowledge required for employment and considers the students’ interests and abilities in those areas. The focus of this degree is to educate students in tools and techniques necessary to acquire, process, and manage information as it relates to several areas of specialization including business analytics, social media management, and office administration.
SUNY Broome’s Business Information Management AAS program offers paths that cover a range of cutting edge fields, including:
- Social Media Management
- Business Analytics
- Office Administration
Program Notes
- Can be completed totally online or with a combination of on campus and online classes.
- Available on a part-time or full-time basis.
- Can be started in the Fall, Spring or Summer semesters.
- Offers flexible degree offerings inside several paths.
- Apply credits from other programs or prior learning experiences to earn your degree quickly.
- The BIM degree can be completed alongside a certificate in social media or office technologies seamlessly. No additional time is added onto degree completion.
- You can build skills with microcredentials that are available and applicable at any stage of your career. Build your stack as part of the BIM degree, certificate offerings, or as a stand alone credential.
2+2 Articulation Agreement with Bellevue University

Course Requirements
Contact Information
New Students:
Admissions Office
Current Students:
Denise Wells, Chairperson607-778-5355
Business Building, Room 107
Microcredential Offerings
Explore BIT Programs at SUNY BroomeBusiness Information Management
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Transfer Opportunities
For other transfer opportunities, BIM students should work closely with their faculty mentors.